Benefits Health Card

The Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) is one of the main concession cards issued to Australian retirees who do not qualify for the Age Pension and whose income is below the current thresholds.

In order to qualify for the CSHC, you must be an Australian resident currently living in Australia.

Holders of the CSHC can save around $2,500 yearly on health care costs. The savings generally include the following:

USEEstimated Savings p.a. 
Medicare Safety Net$1,200
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme$1,300

But on top of these savings, CSHC holders may take advantage of extra benefits. You can apply for commonwealth seniors health card with us.

What are the extra benefits you can get if you hold a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card?

  1. Discount on electricity and gas bills
    • Card holders can apply for Seniors Energy Rebate to help cover electricity cost for up to $200 per year. Gas rebates are also available.
  2. FREE or lower rates on healthcare expenses such as ambulance, eye checkup, and dental care
    • For example in NSW, card holders don’t need to pay for an ambulance.
  3. Discount on water and property rates
    • For example iIn WA, CSHC holders may be entitled to receive up to 50% rebate on water service charges.
  4. Discount on transport fare
    • In NSW, card holders are eligible to receive the regional seniors travel card (worth $250).
  5. Discount on recreational activities
    • Recreational centres like gift shops, parks, and movie houses all over Australia offer discounts to holders of CSHC.

Retirement Essentials Can Help

Everyone loves a bargain and for Australian seniors, you can get a lot of discounts if you have your CSHC.

If you need help in applying for your card or you have questions about other retirement issues, please call us on 1300 527 727 or email us at