Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Phone Applications
Book a CSHC Phone Application
Extra assistance for those that want a helping hand with their Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) application. This service is a separate $175 cost to the application fee. We will call you on a day/time of your choosing to complete the application for you over the phone.
This is ideal as it gives you the opportunity to ask us any questions you have during the call. It also allows us to ask any questions to clarify your unique situation. Once you have booked in a day/time, via the link above, we will provide you with a checklist of documents to have ready for the call. Once we have finished talking through the application, presuming you are eligible, we will clarify how much pension you can receive as well as the final cost for us to lodge and liaise with Centrelink on your behalf as it depends on various factors.
If you are not eligible then we will instead educate you as to why and what options/next steps you can consider moving forward.
Licensed, professional

Confidential &

Australian Owned
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