How could you maximise your entitlements?

Maximising your entitlements comes with so many complex rules that many retirees find that they are currently underpaid in retirement.

This does not just apply to those on a full or part Age Pension. It’s also the case for those who are self-funded, including those who are borderline for qualifying for the age pension and others unlikely to receive one in the next few years.

Understanding your money options could provide you with many things you can do differently to feel in control of your finances and possibly maximise your entitlements during your retirement journey. Some areas that our customers speak with our financial adviser are:

  • Reviewing assets
  • Aligning investments to your comfort level
  • Understanding how to make the most of the options available
  • Supplementing your age pension income
  • Downsizing your house and what you can do with the money

Our financial advisers can provide you with information, options and possible strategies to help you feel in control both now and in the future.

Want help? If you would like to understand more, then book a consultation with one of our advisers. We charge $375 (inc. GST) for a 55 minute video consultation.

What’s “income” anyway?

In retirement, it’s a combination of the Age Pension if you’re entitled, drawing down on your super and savings. Understanding how you can make the most of your assets and available options could result in maximising your entitlements and “retirement funding”.

Maximise your Entitlements 

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