Start your Age Pension Application

Apply from the comfort of your home. Use our age pension application service.

Age Pension Eligibility

To qualify for the Centrelink Age Pension you must pass both the Income and Assets test and meet the minimum age and residency requirements.   

Age is the first requirement. You must be at least 67 to be eligible for the Age Pension however, you may apply up to 13 weeks earlier.

ResidencyYou don’t have to be an Australian citizen to qualify for the Centrelink Age Pension.  But you must have been a Permanent Resident for at least 10 years AND have lived in Australia for at least 5 years of those 10 uninterrupted (excluding short holidays).

Income Test Your assessable income must be less than $65,260 if you’re a single person, or $99,746 if you’re a couple.

Asset Test – If you’re a home owner, singles can have up to $697,000 and couples $1,047,500. If you’re not a home owner, singles can have up to $949,000 and couples $1,299,500

Check your eligibility for the Age Pension and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

Benefits of our service

Income Retirement Essentials

Be confident that you’re getting all your Age Pension entitlements.

Retirement Essentials Support

Feel supported and in control of your money, our Age Pension Specialists are waiting to help you.

Retirement Essentials Hour Glass

Saves you time – Apply from the comfort of your own home and at your pace.

Retirement Essentials Paperwork

No more confusing paperwork.

Chat Retirement Essentials

Avoid Centrelink frustration – no more ‘backwards and forwards’.

“What do I need for my age pension application?”

As you move through our application you will be asked for information that may not be top of mind. For a quicker application experience it will be helpful to have some documents handy.


Have these documents handy

  1. Passport
  2. Tax File Number
  3. Superannuation statement
  4. Bank account statement
  5. Investment property details, if you have one
  6. Statements for any shares you hold

Not sure if you’re eligible? Start here.

Lodging Your Application

Once your application is finalised our Age Pension Specialists will get you ready to lodge it online. Then Retirement Essentials will take over and look after the rest for you.

Getting your application approved by Centrelink still takes time but with help from our Age Pension Specialists they will keep things moving along and also respond to questions on your behalf.

Ultimately this means you don’t have the stress of dealing with Centrelink by yourself.

It really is just that simple! If you have been putting off applying for your Age Pension because you’ve heard horror stories about dealing with Centrelink then why not go ahead and try Retirement Essentials?

Start your Age Pension Application