Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
What is the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card?
The Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) was first introduced in 1994. Its purpose was to give low income retirees who didn’t qualify for the Age Pension access to similar Commonwealth concessions as the holders of the Pensioners Concession Card (PCC).
Since then access has been increased and benefits widened to make this card an extremely valuable adjunct to self-funded retirees’ retirement income.
Essentially, it is a concession card which allows holders to access cheaper health care as well as a range of discounts, as long as the holder has reached Age Pension age.
“What’s it worth?”
It really depends upon your personal situation, but the savings on the medical safety net and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) are worth about $2500 per annum for singles, double that for couples
Learn more about the benefits here
Interested in applying for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card?
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