Simple sums that share the rules The Retirement Essentials advice team is currently handling a lot of questions about Age Pension eligibility and the gifting of money or possessions to family members. At one level, the rules are fairly straightforward. But...
Centrelink Age Pension Articles
September 2024 Age Pension Increases
Here’s what you’ll get The twice-yearly Age Pension indexation is due to increase 20 September. This Age Pension increase is much higher than the one that was awarded in March this year ($19.60 for singles and $29.40 for couples). We reported on 8 August our...
Travelling Australia and Centrelink
How non-millionaires .. Can enjoy the road trip of a lifetime I was listening to the radio the other day and a woman phoned the ‘Australia all over’ program to speak with Macca. She told host, Ian McNamara, how she and her husband were on a boat, moored off...
What Centrelink can and cannot do
What Centrelink can do And what it can’t Robodebt, or to give it its full name, The Income Compliance Program, ended nearly 5 years ago in November 2019. The scheme was designed to recover money owed to Centrelink by people who had received more in payments...
Five worst reasons people delay their Age Pension application
A few years ago there was a terrific public safety advertising campaign developed by Metro Trains in Victoria called Dumb ways to die. It was designed to promote railway safety and became the world’s most shared public awareness campaign. It also spawned a...
Age Pension increase 20 September 2024
With Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Pensioner Beneficiary Living Cost Index increases (PBLCI) now published, we are able to predict the most likely increases to the Age Pension on 20 September 2024. We believe this pay rise for retirees will be $26.54...
How to ensure your Centrelink dealings go smoothly
Sooner or later you will probably have to deal with Centrelink. This statement shouldn’t strike fear into anyone’s heart, but it often does. Why? You will be dealing with public servants whose wages you, as a taxpayer, fund. Yet many individuals will run a...
Should the family home be included in the assets test?
A bold initiative from the Actuaries Institute proposes that the family home should now be included in the assets test. It’s far from the first time this policy has been suggested – and it probably won’t be the last. But is it an idea worth considering? A...
Income and asset limits go up
But how will this work for you? As you no doubt know the income and asset limits for full and part-Age Pensions were increased on 1 July this year. This is good news for many Australians who may have almost qualified for the Age Pension. It also means a...