In late November we shared the Australian Government’s announcement of new reforms for the retirement phase of super . Since then, on 7 December, another major change to retirement income has been announced. This time it’s an attempt to increase access to quality, affordable advice at the time of need for 4+ million retirees and 2.5 million pre-retirees.
Before we go into the specific changes involved, here are the two main reasons people come to Retirement Essentials to get exactly this type of timely, manageable advice:
They have done their homework, have a good idea of their likely sources of income and are seeking external reassurance that they haven’t overlooked anything, missed any important rules and that the timing is right.
They realise that they need to address their retirement planning or retirement income management but don’t know how to get started. They suspect that they ‘don’t know what they don’t know’ and are seeking a basic understanding and some first steps to get things underway.
These two types of needs are very different – and that is just one of the reasons why Retirement Essentials advisers don’t treat all customers with the same ‘one size fits all’ solutions. Retirement Essentials welcomes the Federal Government’s attempts to simplify the advice process, but, in fact, this is a service we already offer. It’s also interesting to note industry spokespeople welcoming the notion of $900 advice consultations. That’s because we know that our popular 55-minute single-issue consultations are usually sufficient to give our customers both peace of mind and the information that they need to make their own best decisions.