Jeremy Duffield

Jeremy Duffield is a senior player in the Australian and international financial services sectors, having served as a senior executive with leading global funds manager The Vanguard Group USA from 1980 to 2010. He founded Vanguard’s operations in Australia and Asia, and led them from 1996 to 2010. Jeremy is Chairman of the Australian Centre for Financial Studies and is a non-executive director of MLC, National Wealth Management and Plum Financial Services. He is a member of the Federal Government’s Australian Centre Financial Task Force and was previously a member of the Financial Sector Advisory Council and the Financial Literacy Foundation. He was also Deputy Chair of the Financial Services Council.
Marvellous Milestones of Retirement

Marvellous Milestones of Retirement

Just having hit a significant milestone myself (70), I’m reminded of how important some milestones are in retirement.  Milestones make you think about important life stages.  But beyond that, government policy relies on age markers for when rules change or benefits kick in.

So, let’s look at the most important milestones, starting with the youngsters among our readers.

The Day the Pay stopped

The Day the Pay stopped

We all get to the point when our wages  stop as our years of working come to an end.  Maybe it’s ahead of you; maybe you’ve already gone through it. 

It’s got to be one of the most significant and emotional moments that come with retirement. For years, your life has revolved around a steady income, a regular paypacket that arrives like clockwork, providing not just financial stability, but also a sense of security and identity. The moment that flow of income stops, a wave of uncertainty can wash over you, making it one of life’s most daunting milestones. Will I be Ok? is a question we often hear.