Jeremy Duffield

Jeremy Duffield is a senior player in the Australian and international financial services sectors, having served as a senior executive with leading global funds manager The Vanguard Group USA from 1980 to 2010. He founded Vanguard’s operations in Australia and Asia, and led them from 1996 to 2010. Jeremy is Chairman of the Australian Centre for Financial Studies and is a non-executive director of MLC, National Wealth Management and Plum Financial Services. He is a member of the Federal Government’s Australian Centre Financial Task Force and was previously a member of the Financial Sector Advisory Council and the Financial Literacy Foundation. He was also Deputy Chair of the Financial Services Council.
Be prepared!

Be prepared!

In previous articles, we’ve talked about how it’s tough to plan your retirement due to uncertainty about future investment returns…and inflation.  In Part 3, we showed how the amount you can spend depends on what you earn on your investments. Problem is: no one knows what investments will earn in the future.

So Principle 6 for retirement spending is:  You need to be prepared for a range of outcomes.

Surprisingly, most financial advisers act as though they know what’s going to happen in the future.  They  give you a projection of your ability to spend based on an assumed rate of return over the next 25 or 30 years.  It’s a bit of a “pretend game” – let’s pretend we know what the return will be.

But while the assumption used might be a reasonable estimate, actual rates of return will be different…and perhaps by a lot.

The reality is that investment returns vary significantly, and unpredictably, not just year by year but decade compared to decade.  We can see that by showing the returns in past decades.  This chart gives the annualised rates of return for 4 major asset classes in each of the decades since the 1970s and the 1920s so far.

The Age Pension is the Foundation of Retirement Income

The Age Pension is the Foundation of Retirement Income

Even if you don’t get it yet, the Age Pension is key to retirement  planning for most people in Australia.  Over half of older Australians get more than half their retirement income from the Age Pension.  And 80% of people are expected to be on at least a part Age Pension by the time they’re 80.   It’s a reliable safety net and a guarantee that there’ll always be a basic level of income to support your spending in retirement.  

Learning to spend what you can afford

Learning to spend what you can afford

In his book Straight Talk on Investing, a friend of mine, Jack Brennan, former CEO of The Vanguard Group, gives his views on the most important piece of advice.  “Live below your means….simply put, you must not spend more money than you earn.” 

Now, that’s great advice when you’re accumulating savings for the future.  But what does it mean now that you’ve retired or about to retire and no longer earn a full salary?  

I think the same principle applies but we need to modify it to take into account our savings, Age Pension and other retirement resources.  I’d articulate Retirement Principle #4 as: Don’t spend more than you can afford to spend.  

And to the extent you can afford it, I’d encourage you to spend what you can to have a great retirement.  It’s sort of a variant of Polonius’ advice to his son in Hamlet: Neither a underspender nor a overspender be.  

If you underspend, you may miss out on some of the enjoyment you deserve…and if you overspend, you might not be able to enjoy your later years as you would like.  

The trick becomes working out what you can afford to spend.