Steven Sadler

Do you know your entitlements? Steven Sadler does.

Do you know your entitlements? Steven Sadler does.

Avoiding costly Centrelink mistakes with expert advice from Retirement Essential’s Head of Customer Service, Steven Sadler

Navigating Centrelink rules can be challenging, and many retirees are unsure about their entitlements and how to apply. At Retirement Essentials, we see this confusion play out daily in the questions our members ask.

To shed light on common misconceptions and provide expert guidance, we spoke with Steven Sadler, Head of Customer Service at Retirement Essentials. Steven and his team answer thousands of queries every year, helping retirees to 

understand their Age Pension eligibility, 

submit their applications correctly, and 

avoid common mistakes that could delay or reduce their benefits.

How the Age Pension is backdated…

How the Age Pension is backdated…

Qualifying for an Age Pension is a process most Australians will experience at some stage in their retirement. Timing your application and knowing how back pay works is super handy to avoid missing out on much-needed income. Today Steven Sadler steps us through the rules.

The main rule is that the Age Pension is backdated to either the day you lodged your application or the day you became eligible, whichever is the more recent of the two. Here’s how it works.

How to ensure your Centrelink dealings go smoothly

How to ensure your Centrelink dealings go smoothly

Sooner or later you will probably have to deal with Centrelink. This statement shouldn’t strike fear into anyone’s heart, but it often does. Why? You will be dealing with public servants whose wages you, as a taxpayer, fund. Yet many individuals will run a mile rather than confront the need to deal with an Australian Government agency. Ongoing reports of processing delays, phone wait times and incorrect rulings no doubt add to the preconceptions that dealing with Centrelink is frustrating. But does it necessarily have to be this way? Today Head of the Customer Service team, Steven Sadler, is sharing his expertise on ways of keeping your interactions with Centrelink as simple and speedy as possible. Steven has been supporting Retirement Essentials members to get the best possible Age Pension and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card outcomes for many years now. He leads a team of Centrelink experts who do this same thing, day in and day out. So over to Guru Steven to share ways of managing your Centrelink interactions.