centrelink wait times 68 days age pension

And what it can’t

Robodebt, or to give it its full name, The Income Compliance Program, ended nearly 5 years ago in November 2019. The scheme was designed to recover money owed to Centrelink by people who had received more in payments than they were entitled to receive.  This sounds reasonable in theory unfortunately, however,  it used a computer algorithm and income averaging to calculate individual debts. It also implemented a system known as reverse onus which meant that it was up to the individual to prove they didn’t have a debt rather than the Government having to prove you did have one.  Thousands of people were wrongly accused of being overpaid and this caused severe distress to those people and their families as well as to Centrelink staff tasked with enforcing the system.

One of the key reasons for over payments was the relationship status of claimants. Services Australia had used password ‘crackers’ and metadata to check Centrelink users’ relationship status. It seems this was in order to determine if welfare recipients who claimed to be single were actually in a couple relationship.

Why does this matter, you may wonder? 

Two singles will receive more than a couple’s payment (combined). But it is against the law to falsely claim single status.  

It seems that the Centrelink’s use of phone passwords to scrutinise messages to determine relationship status was directed toward those clients it believed to be making fraudulent claims, thus triggering a criminal investigation.

Robodebt is thankfully behind us so you may well ask why am I writing about this now.  Well the reason is some of our readers remain concerned at the surveillance powers of Centrelink which continue to ring alarm bells.  It’s easy, as a recipient of government benefits, to feel powerless in the face of a large bureaucracy. You are not powerless. In fact, as the recent enquiry into Robo-debt revealed, ultimately Centrelink clients have rights and can exercise them. Today we explain the details of what Centrelink can do – and what it cannot.

We asked the Head of our Customer Service Team, the unflappable Steven Sadler, to share the main concerns that Retirement Essentials members have about what Centrelink might and might not do.

He nominated the following five assumptions about Centrelink and we have provided some detail on each one so you can understand what can legally occur.

  • Accesses copies of their Australian Tax Office (ATO) records directly from the ATO
  • Monitors their bank accounts in real time
  • Knows all customers income and assets detail associated with private companies, trusts and Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs)
  • Delays applications in order to discourage applicants from persevering 
  • Can access your super fund balances

What really happens?

Your tax records

Centrelink does not access your tax records. What it can do is match data with the ATO so that if you understate income to Centrelink, then this is likely to be discovered and a ‘please explain’ sent to you. Centrelink will only do this if you have lodged a claim for them to assess.

Bank accounts

This typically only occurs in cases of suspected fraud when more detailed information will be sought, although Centrelink does from time to time randomly select people to provide additional information. This is very different to accessing your bank account balance in real time which Centrelink does not do.

Further income and asset detail

Again, because people assume that Centrelink receives copies of Tax Returns or Notices of Assessment, they think all their income and asset information has been provided. This assumption is common in the case of those who are self-employed, have an SMSF or a private company or trust, as they have submitted such information to the ATO. It has not been automatically passed across to Centrelink. Data matching with the ATO, again, may highlight any discrepancies.

‘Go-slows’ on applications

The process of checking information for an Age Pension or concession card can be very complicated. There is identity verification, residency status, earnings, assets and other aspects which all need to be checked and verified. Assuming this will take just a week or two – that the ‘machines’ will crunch the numbers – is wrong. Often applications need to be escalated as the detail is too complex for the frontline staff or call centre personnel. As with many things in life, this process is neither as quick nor as easy as it seems.

Super fund information

Super funds and  life insurance companies are required to provide updated information to Centrelink twice a year (usually at indexation time in March and September). This enables Centrelink to more accurately ‘deem’ earnings on balances and to understand when amounts are in decumulation, i.e. being drawn down in an income stream. Often super funds will need to provide a Centrelink schedule for applicants to share or funds can provide directly to the agency. 

The fine print at Services Australia

The main sources information provided to Services Australia comes from:

  • the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)
  • other sources to match income information reported by people who get a payment.

What about you?

Do you have any other concerns about the provision of information?

Or eligibility?

One of the consequences of the Robo debt period is that many people ‘over declare’. They are so afraid of making a mistake that they overestimate their wealth or circumstances and end up with less than they are entitled to receive.  We can help in a number of ways.  

And finally, don’t forget you can always check the Retirement Essentials Age Pension Eligibility Calculator  for quick answers to hard questions. It’s free and 100% private.