Planning for Retirement Articles

Is 67 the right time to retire?

Is 67 the right time to retire?

Stop now - or keep working? Retirement at 67 is often seen as the default, but is it really the best choice for everyone? Helen, who turns 67 in April, is weighing up her options. She has $275,000 in superannuation, $25,000 in personal assets, and $10,000 in...

How much is enough for a comfortable retirement?

How much is enough for a comfortable retirement?

Last week, I discussed the most common retirement questions our members ask during strategy consultations with our advisers. One of the big ones is: ‘Do I have enough? Sometimes that thought is closely linked to ‘Do I have enough - yet?’ The real question...

Affordable travel guide: Saving money on travel in 2025

Affordable travel guide: Saving money on travel in 2025

Welcome to Retirement Essentials annual affordable travel guide. This year we have again approached the experts for their insider tips on how to get maximum bang for your buck when you travel in 2025. We’ve left the group touring and cruising adventures...

22% of retirees in poverty: How to avoid the poverty trap

22% of retirees in poverty: How to avoid the poverty trap

More than one fifth of Australian retirees currently live in poverty, according to a recent report by The Australia Institute. Given that we are one of the richest nations in the world this is both disturbing and difficult to believe. Today we review these...

Who needs a million to retire?

Who needs a million to retire?

Here’s why most of us don’t Being set unrealistic targets is hardly likely to motivate anyone at any age. Yet this is often the case with retirement savings targets. Today we take a more realistic approach by using the factual ‘middle’ savings amounts for...

Future-proofing your retirement

Future-proofing your retirement

Alice’s move to a better place For many retirees, home is where they want to be - to be part of a community,  to stay connected to friends and family, and to enjoy their independence.  If you’re thinking about what the options are for you to...