Planning for Retirement Articles

The Day the Pay stopped

The Day the Pay stopped

We all get to the point when our wages  stop as our years of working come to an end.  Maybe it’s ahead of you; maybe you’ve already gone through it.  It’s got to be one of the most significant and emotional moments that come with retirement....

Ways to manage your retirement risk

Ways to manage your retirement risk

Are you thriving or just surviving? Ways to manage your retirement risk. What does retirement risk look like to you?  For Rob, it means running out of his super savings well before his 80s. For Ian, it means having unexpected expenses and being unable...

Money mistakes to avoid in your 60s

Money mistakes to avoid in your 60s

Milestone birthdays are definitely ones to celebrate. Hopefully you are at a stage where any ‘have tos’ of work, mortgage and parenting are reducing and the ‘get tos’ of travel, social events and fun hobbies are on the increase. Yes, there are always...

Do you know the basics? Quick financial literacy quiz

Do you know the basics? Quick financial literacy quiz

Most retirees report their major concern to be whether their money will last as long as they do. But maybe, as the old saying goes, it’s not what you’ve got but what you do with it that really counts. That’s where your financial literacy comes into play....

Who needs a million to retire?

Who needs a million to retire?

Here’s why most of us don’t Being told unrealistic targets is hardly likely to motivate anyone at any age. Yet this is often the case with retirement savings targets. Today we take a more realistic approach by using the factual ‘middle’ savings amounts for...

Be prepared!

Be prepared!

Keeping Retirement Simple – Part 6 In previous articles, we’ve talked about how it’s tough to plan your retirement due to uncertainty about future investment returns…and inflation.  In Part 3, we showed how the amount you can spend depends on what you...

Can Alice retire while still working?

Can Alice retire while still working?

There was great feedback on our article about peak retirement a few weeks ago. It seems that many Retirement Essentials members are planning on working longer, but not necessarily harder! As a consequence, our advisers have had many consultations helping...

Peak retirement age: How long would you want to work?

Peak retirement age: How long would you want to work?

More older Australians are staying in work for longer, creating a new ‘peak’ retirement age, according to a new KPMG report. Analysis by KPMG Urban Economist, Terry Rawnsley, suggests that Australian workers are retiring at their oldest age since the 1970s....