Can Alice retire while still working?

Can Alice retire while still working?

There was great feedback on our article about peak retirement a few weeks ago. It seems that many Retirement Essentials members are planning on working longer, but not necessarily harder! As a consequence, our advisers have had many consultations helping both singles...
How happy are you?

How happy are you?

A couple of weeks ago I came across a Retirement Happiness Index.  This index, launched by Challenger on 4 April 2024 makes for interesting reading. It indicates Australian retirees have plenty to keep us busy and engaged, we feel mentally healthy, but we are a bit...
Does this Age Pension rule need fixing?

Does this Age Pension rule need fixing?

Last week we revealed a little known fact about the Age Pension – and that is, how very unfair the asset test rules are for renters and single renters in particular. We had a lot of media attention following the publication of this Age Pension anomaly. Our team has...
Superannuation changes from 1 July 2024

Superannuation changes from 1 July 2024

When it comes to retirement, forewarned is forearmed. This is definitely the case as we approach the End of Financial Year (EOFY) when many rules will change. Today we are sharing updates on five different super rules that may affect your own financial planning. We...