Rate your super: What good funds offer

Rate your super: What good funds offer

Articles and information on superannuation usually fall into one of two types – what you need to know when you are saving it, and what you need to know when you are spending it. Much of the coverage of superannuation funds can be similarly narrow. Comparing...
Dwindling assets: Megan to the rescue

Dwindling assets: Megan to the rescue

Our adviser, Megan Marshall had a big win last week. This happened when she helped Fiona to increase her Age Pension entitlement from $506 to $916. That’s an extra $410 a fortnight. It’s such a large increase that we wanted to share how this could happen. And some key...
Free shingles vaccinations from November

Free shingles vaccinations from November

At last some good news for your health and wellbeing. Five million older Australians will benefit from a new National Immunisation Program (NIP) initiative. This means that from 1 November free shingles vaccinations will be offered to: everyone aged 65 years (it was...