by James Coyle | Jul 13, 2020 | Centrelink Age Pension
Perhaps the most frequent comment we receive concerns the different Age Pension entitlements received by singles and couples. Opinions are strongly divided on this issue however one sentiment is shared – The system isn’t fair. This week we have...
by James Coyle | Jul 1, 2020 | Centrelink Age Pension
New Age Pension Rates commenced today The new Age Pension rates for the Means Test commenced July 1st. This means Seniors can earn slightly more, or have slightly higher assets, before they start losing some of their Age Pension entitlements. Some of the changes...
by James Coyle | Jun 30, 2020 | Retirement Income
As we emerge from severe social lockdown following the global pandemic, it’s worth reflecting on what we’ve learnt. COVID-19 has been a dramatic shock to the system. To our life and to our finances. It reminded us of the need to be prepared for...
by James Coyle | Jun 19, 2020 | Media
A joint study conducted by the National Seniors Australia (NSA) and Retirement Essentials, has confirmed that applying for the Age Pension is a fraught experience for many older Australians. According to Retirement Essentials founder and CEO Paul Rogan, the report...
by James Coyle | May 18, 2020 | Centrelink Age Pension
Many Seniors have seen their retirement savings take a hit over the last few months and interest rates are extremely low for those with money in bank deposits. While Seniors are quite rightly focused on their health and safety right now some are also looking for...
by James Coyle | Apr 22, 2020 | Centrelink Age Pension
How does this impact your entitlements? The new Centrelink deeming rates are changing effective from the 1st of May. These changes will put money back into the pockets of senior Australians receiving the Age Pension, and may increase the number of Australians eligible...
by Alison Squire | Apr 20, 2020 | Retirement Income
Temporary reduction to the minimum superannuation drawdowns what does it mean? When a retiree commences an account-based pension with their superannuation monies, it pays them an income. Account-based pensions are required by law to pay a minimum income every...
by James Coyle | Apr 15, 2020 | Centrelink Age Pension
Help in a time of uncertainty In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, Australians of all ages are advised to stay at home, practise social distancing, and always wash hands. The risks are higher for older people and those with pre-existing conditions such as...
by Alison Squire | Apr 3, 2020 | Centrelink Age Pension
Living under one roof as individuals requires a lot more information to be provided to Centrelink so they can accurately assess whether you are indeed a couple or a single. To this end you will probably be required to complete the Centrelink Relationship...
by James Coyle | Mar 23, 2020 | Retirement Income
Jim and Sue are both retired and their investment assets have recently reduced. They had a weekly income of $966 from a combination of the age pension and their own account based pensions. They are now interested in understanding how the reduction will impact...