Assets test explained

Assets test explained

How the rules work for you In our recent article on the fairness of the Age Pension we received a few questions as to why the family home was listed in the comparison between three different retirement households.  These questions highlighted the need for clearer...
Funeral gardening: Time to get started!

Funeral gardening: Time to get started!

Most of us are really squeamish about the word ‘death’ – we run a mile from it. Similarly with the term ‘funeral’ – it’s difficult to bring ourselves to read articles about planning for our own demise. We’re more interested in living, than dying, right? But there is a...
How fair is the Age Pension?

How fair is the Age Pension?

A tale of three retirements  With just on two thirds of retirees receiving an Age Pension from age 67 onwards, this benefit remains the main form of income for older Australians. As the super system matures, the amount of ‘top-up’ provided by super is increasing,...
Money can’t buy health

Money can’t buy health

But it can fund your longer retirement One of the world’s oldest medical journals – the British Medical Journal or BMJ – recently published statistics that reveal, when it comes to longer lives, Australians have won the lottery. The study, Life expectancy and...