Centrelink Age Pension Articles

What Centrelink can do … and what it can’t

What Centrelink can do … and what it can’t

 What Centrelink can do  And what it can’t Recent reports on Centrelink surveillance of clients have rung alarm bells. It’s easy, as a recipient of government benefits, to feel powerless in the face of a large bureaucracy. You are not powerless. In fact, as...

What you don’t know … might be hurting your finances

What you don’t know … might be hurting your finances

What you don’t know … … might be hurting your finances We’re always seeking insights into ways to help our members maximise their retirement savings and income. But what you don't know might be hurting your finances. What often comes up in advice...

Means testing just got simpler – how taper rates work

Means testing just got simpler – how taper rates work

Means testing just got simpler: Here’s how it works The application of the Age Pension means test to your income or assets means the difference between a higher or lower pension payment – or whether you receive one at all. We know the very term ‘taper rates’...

Should the family home be exempt from the assets test?

Should the family home be exempt from the assets test?

Should your home… …be exempt from the assets test? It’s no surprise that just over three-quarters of retirees own their own homes; traditionally Australians have had a love affair with home ownership. What is surprising is that the value of the home in...

Income test changes: Can you finally leave work?

Income test changes: Can you finally leave work?

A recent popular article on the way asset test changes mean more older Australians are now eligible for the Age Pension provoked a lot of interest. Today we look at the other side of the equation – the March 20 changes to the incomes test thresholds. When...

Single versus couple pension payments – are they fair?

Single versus couple pension payments – are they fair?

Single versus couple pension payments: Are they fair? When there is a widely experienced cost of living crisis, it’s only natural to have concerns about whether your income is keeping up with the increases. It’s also fair to ask, as a single or couple...

How asset test changes might benefit you

How asset test changes might benefit you

Asset test changes:  How do they benefit you? There’s nothing hard and fast in the world of retirement income. Particularly when it comes to the Age Pension. As you are no doubt aware, last week saw indexed increases to the base rate of the Age Pension....

Age Pension changes March 2023

Age Pension changes March 2023

Age Pension changes: Are you now eligible? Last week we reported on the new rates of payment for Age Pension recipients. This week we can confirm that these rates came into effect on 20 March and that all Retirement Essentials calculators, including the Age...

How super combines with the Age Pension

How super combines with the Age Pension

Super is a hot topic right now, with everyone seemingly having an opinion on what is the ideal amount to live on in retirement – and how to encourage this in an equitable way. While most of us are unable to influence the financial policy makers, our best...