Centrelink Age Pension Articles

Free RATs for concession card holders

Free RATs for concession card holders

Can you get free RATs test kits? It’s hard enough to keep up with frequent changes to health rules, let alone changes to your entitlements. So you may have missed the recent announcement of free rapid antigen tests (RATs) for all Australian concession card...

You probably haven’t got it covered

You probably haven’t got it covered

How can you know what you don’t know? There’s an old saying that an assumption is a gateway to a mistake. And thinking that your already know all the rules is a proposition that is worth challenging. There is a reason that the financial planning industry...

Retirement assumptions that lead to mistakes

Retirement assumptions that lead to mistakes

Three retirement assumptions that lead to mistakes And the myth busters that explain why these assumptions are wrong: It’s mainly about the money It’s all about you and your needs You already know the rules And here are the myth busters that explain why...

Centrelink debt changes

Centrelink debt changes

Not everyone is aware that they may have a Centrelink debt. The Department of Social Security (DSS) paused debt activity in August 2021 to alleviate hardship, with many parts of the country in lockdown due to the Delta outbreak. This pause is scheduled to be...

Festive Season Support

Festive Season Support

Festive Season Checklist We’ve compiled a list for you of support offered for those in need at Christmas. This is by no means exhaustive – instead it’s a brief overview of some national organisations which may be able to help you during the holiday period if...

Centrelink holiday hours

Centrelink holiday hours

When you need help and support it can be frustrating to find support services closed.  This is particularly the case over the Christmas New Year break.  To help you we have compiled this summary of Centrelink opening hours and reporting timetable. Centrelink...

Age Pension tips and traps for overseas travellers

Age Pension tips and traps for overseas travellers

Some things you can’t ‘untell’ Centrelink - Tips and traps for overseas travellers With international borders finally reopening many older Australians are keen to head overseas. But leaving Australia – particularly where you go and for how long – can have a...

Pension Loan Scheme

Pension Loan Scheme

The Australian government offers a Pension Loans Scheme (PLS) to retirees who wish to access the equity in their home so that they can top up their retirement income. The scheme was first introduced in 1985 and  expanded in 2019 to widen eligibility, and...