Superannuation Articles

Making your savings … and super work harder

Making your savings … and super work harder

We recently reported on a statement by Aaron Minney, head of research for annuities provider, Challenger, which we believe is a massive game changer. Aaron said that it’s important for retirees to stop viewing their super as a ‘nest egg’ and to consider it,...

Using super rules… to maximum advantage

Using super rules… to maximum advantage

As we noted last week, it’s easy to get basic super rules wrong. It doesn’t matter much if this is in a quiz. But if you make a mistake with your own money, that can be painful. There are two different contribution rules which can be used to significantly...

Easy way to understand super: What your statement means

Easy way to understand super: What your statement means

About this time of the year your annual superannuation statement should drop into your inbox. Or perhaps it comes by mail. If you bother to open it and check the detail you’ll be in the smart segment of Australians who actually care about the performance of...

How many retirees really understand super?

How many retirees really understand super?

Here’s the results to our quiz We know that the overall level of engagement with super savings is quite low across the population. If you are in your 30s - say 20 - 30 years before Preservation Age – this lack of interest is not exactly ideal, but perhaps...

How downsizing affects your pension … and your super

How downsizing affects your pension … and your super

How can you make the most of your home in retirement? Last week we looked at the ways homeowners can maximise their retirement income by using this very valuable asset. Our focus was on those who plan to stay put in their ‘forever’ homes. This week we...

How well do you know your super?

How well do you know your super?

Find out with this easy five-question quiz The rules of superannuation can change according to your age and circumstances.  Today we have a fun, five-question quiz to test how much you know about your own super options. Why not take it and see how you...

Super funds report card: Are retirees missing out?

Super funds report card: Are retirees missing out?

A recently released report from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) reveals a massive gap in the support that retirees should now be receiving from their super fund – and what...

Top Super FAQs: Learning from the mistakes of others

Top Super FAQs: Learning from the mistakes of others

Alfred Einstein knew a thing or two. His view on mistakes was simply summed up when he said, ‘The only mistake in life is the lesson not learned’. We agree. For most of us, it’s not about any poor choices that we may have made, but more about how we respond...