Superannuation Articles

Retiree super funds outperform

Retiree super funds outperform

How to respond to 12-month returns Superannuation research house SuperRatings has released the financial year returns for Australian super funds – and Account-Based Pensions. These rankings are useful in many ways. First and foremost, we have a clear idea of...

Five worst ever super mistakes – and how to avoid them

Five worst ever super mistakes – and how to avoid them

Five worst super mistakes And ways to avoid them Yes, it’s a challenge to keep up with the ever changing landscape of superannuation. But that shouldn't result in you making any of these worst super mistakes. Back in the day there was the idea of not...

Your super drawdown questions answered

Your super drawdown questions answered

Steven says: Your questions answered on super drawdowns A few weeks ago we reported on the pending change to the minimum super drawdown rates. Essentially, on 1 July the current rates will be doubled, reverting to the previous rates pre-Covid 19. At one...

Transfer Balance Cap explained

Transfer Balance Cap explained

Transfer Balance Cap explained Will you be affected on 1 July? On 6 February we reported that Consumer Price Indexation of the $1.7 million super Transfer Balance Cap means it will increase to $1.9 million on 1 July. That change has now been confirmed and it...

Minimum super drawdown rates explained

Minimum super drawdown rates explained

Minimum drawdown rates explained: How much, how fast? The minimum drawdown rates for income payments from super are about to double. We mentioned this last week in our overall Federal Budget coverage. But because it can have such an impact on your retirement...

Budget 2023 – What’s in it for older Australians?

Budget 2023 – What’s in it for older Australians?

Budget 2023 - what’s in it for older Australians? Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers has handed down the May 2023 Federal Budget.  There weren’t a lot of surprises but there are a few nice bonuses for older Australians.  Before we start, it's important...

What is the best way to save for retirement?

What is the best way to save for retirement?

Here’s what you said What is the best way to save for retirement? This is the question we posed in the March 2023 Retirement Essentials Retirement Pulse. There was a clear preference according to our members, with the top four options being: Putting money in...

How is super taxed? Will this now change?

How is super taxed? Will this now change?

How super is taxed? Is this about to change? Respected think tank, The Grattan Institute, has released a report suggesting that all super be taxed in order to create a fairer and more sustainable retirement income system. The report released earlier this...