Can you get free RATs test kits?
It’s hard enough to keep up with frequent changes to health rules, let alone changes to your entitlements. So you may have missed the recent announcement of free rapid antigen tests (RATs) for all Australian concession card holders. The key details are as follows:
- Up to 10 test kits are available for concession card holders over a period of three months.
- They can be accessed from pharmacies over the three month period, with no more than five per month to be issued per cardholder
- Cards which qualify include the Pensioner Concession Card (PCC), the Health Care Card (HCC), the Low Income Health Card (LIHC), all Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) cards, whether gold, white or orange, and the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC).
At the time of the announcement, made by the Prime Minister on January 5, the tests were expected to be available within the following fortnight. They are now expected to be available from the 24th January.
Since then ballooning Covid case numbers and difficulties associated with PCR tests have caused a run on the self-administered RATs test kits, with most outlets including supermarkets, pharmacies and other retail stores stripped of stock.
At the time of writing the website https://findarat.com.au/ listed a total of 460 outlets across Australia, with 371 out of stock, 17 holding low stocks and 72 with reasonable stock. The beginning of the school year in a fortnight’s time will no doubt also add to these stock level pressures. You may wish to check this site if you qualify as a concession card holder, or if you have an urgent need for such a test.
Those who do take a self-administered test which shows a positive result are required to isolate at home for seven days and advise the relevant health authorities about their positive result.
How about you? What’s been your experience?
Are you one of the lucky ones who already has a test kit at home?
Do you now qualify for the free test kits?
Or do you miss out?
And do you believe they should simply be free for all, as the PCR test has been?
You need to hold one of the eligible cards to take advantage of the free RATs. We can help you with both the Age Pension and CSHC. You can check your eligibility below.
my name is Ray and I have a commenwealth health card and cannot find a pharmacy that gives me a free test kit
Government website https://www.health.gov.au/health-alerts/covid-19/testing#accessing-free-rapid-antigen-tests says free tests are not available till 24th January
My name is Dr Som Majumdar from Waitara nsw . I tried with many pharmacies for last two weeks but no luck. This free supply is hearsay only
No kits available in pharmacies in Penrith (2750) N.S.W. I have been trying for weeks to get the kits for my wife and myself and have decided not to bother any more because it is a waste of time and if I have the symptoms and can handle them I will not worry about the kits.
Thanks for contributing to the conversation William. For you and anyone else reading a website has been created which may help locate free RAT tests. It’s called Find A RAT
Please tell me where the Qld or Federal governments have arranged for this 75yo pensioner to access RAT kits.
As pension cardholders, we tried to get them from a pharmacy in Wharf Street, Forster NSW.
The pharmacist told us that it was a Government hoax and fake news and told us if we wanted to buy the test the cost would be $15.00 and further that the cost was likely to rise.
Checked back with the pharmacy in Forster who was just as upset as we were for not getting the RAT concession. They did say that they had received information that the Government may introduce the concession at a later stage, when there is an adequate supply
My pharmacist, whom I trust (unlike the PM), is totally out of RATs. He advised me that a reserve of RATs exists for the purpose of supplying Age Pensioners, etc. for free, but it will not be released until 14 February. At that time my wife and I, who are Age Pensioners (with the help of Retirement Essentials), will be able to put our names down with our pharmacist to receive free RATs as soon as they become available. Meanwhile, if either of us become sick, we should drive to the nearest PCR testing centre and join the queue.
This is quite on the cards, because our son-in-law and grandson have tested positive and are in isolation. Our daughter and other grandson tested negative and must isolate in the same house. My wife and I are taking them food and walking their dog while they are isolated. They don’t have any RATs either, but in a few days’ time they must compulsorily re- test.
okay free for people on centre link what about people who working ? is there any price control ??? we working hard ,everything is very expensive ,RATs kits became an heaven for some, charge from$15 a test to $25 a test ,No one care .Pathetic
I care for my mother who is 95 years old and still lives at home. She is eligible for these but there are none around. Also, can I get them for her or do I have to physically drag her to anywhere that may get stock one day.
RAT should be free for everyone by Medicare card, like all other developed countries.
I am 68 years old and don’t have any cards. I worked all my life until last year.
I cannot go to look for one, when it is not safe to go to different location.
Are any of the 4 TGA approved saliva rapid Covid-19 test kit brands available to concession card holders and if so which brands?