by James Coyle | Jun 1, 2023 | Centrelink Age Pension, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
Which concession card is best for Ken? Last week we had a call from Ken who was very confused about his health card entitlement. Which prompted us to share the following comparison of concession cards so you know which one best suits your age and stage. Ken is single...
by James Coyle | May 31, 2023 | Retirement Income, Superannuation
Transfer Balance Cap explained Will you be affected on 1 July? On 6 February we reported that Consumer Price Indexation of the $1.7 million super Transfer Balance Cap means it will increase to $1.9 million on 1 July. That change has now been confirmed and it will make...
by James Coyle | May 31, 2023 | Retirement Income
Five ways retirees run out of money And how to avoid them The most common and greatest fear in retirement is running out of money. Of course most people don’t. Unlike many nations, Australia has a regularly indexed safety net which allows most retirees to at least...
by James Coyle | May 29, 2023 | Centrelink Age Pension
We frequently write about simple steps that you can make to improve your Age Pension entitlements. This can include: Revaluing their personal assets. Hint: Garage sale value, not what you would pay for them new. Organising household assets so a greater proportion are...
by James Coyle | May 29, 2023 | Planning for Retirement
Great retirement trade-offs: And how to resolve them Most of our life choices involve a trade-off. Should we eat the chips or lose a kilo? Should we book the holiday or save the money? Should we watch TV or go for a walk? Retirement, too, involves some fundamental...
by James Coyle | May 29, 2023 | Centrelink Age Pension
On 1 July the income and assets thresholds for Age Pensions will change. This is a timely reminder for people who have previously been ineligible that it’s worth taking another look. We’ll let you know as soon as Centrelink announces the new amounts. And you can...
by James Coyle | May 24, 2023 | Retirement Advice
We’re very appreciative of your ongoing support of the Retirement Pulse surveys. Your answers continue to inform the way we respond to your needs and to the information we offer in our weekly enewsletters. In the April Retirement Pulse we asked questions about...
by James Coyle | May 17, 2023 | Retirement Income, Superannuation
Minimum drawdown rates explained: How much, how fast? The minimum drawdown rates for income payments from super are about to double. We mentioned this last week in our overall Federal Budget coverage. But because it can have such an impact on your retirement savings,...
by James Coyle | May 17, 2023 | Centrelink Age Pension
What went wrong? Five reasons Age Pension applications can fail Being entitled to an Age Pension doesn’t mean you’ll automatically receive your fortnightly payments from Day One of your retirement. Being entitled doesn’t even mean your application will be successful....
by James Coyle | May 17, 2023 | Centrelink Age Pension
Your home and the Age Pension rules: Frequently Asked Questions A couple of weeks ago Jock asked our team the reason why he needed to prove ownership of his home for 20-plus years, in order to qualify for an Age Pension. Our Customer Services Team leader, Steven...