Top 10 money mistakes

Top 10 money mistakes

Top 10 money mistakes Retirement danger zones revealed International investment bank, Natixis, last week revealed the results from its survey on the 10 retirement planning mistakes. These mistakes were in the Global Retirement Index , first published by Natixis in...
When is an asset treated as income?

When is an asset treated as income?

When is an asset treated as income? And when isn’t it? Australia’s Age Pension is a main source of income for 70% of retirees. Of those who are eligible, nearly 60% are on the full Age Pension. As they reach their 80s, 80% are on the Age Pension.   We call this...
Should I withdraw my super?

Should I withdraw my super?

My super is tanking:  Should I withdraw my super? This question arrived at the end of last week. And it’s easy to see why. The ASX All Ordinaries index dropped by 2.51% in a single day, recovered by 0.15% on Thursday and then dropped again by 1.51% on Friday. This...
Earn extra in retirement

Earn extra in retirement

How can you earn extra in retirement? Even we were surprised at the strong response to our update on the new work bonus rules. It seems that there is no shortage of pent-up demand for retirees to work more to earn extra in retirement. But despite the announcement of...
A guaranteed income in retirement

A guaranteed income in retirement

A guaranteed income in retirement sounds terrific doesn’t it?  You don’t need to keep working and the money rolls in every month.  That might sound like a pipe dream for many people but it is actually the reality for most Australians.  The reason for this is the Age...
Income and assets thresholds

Income and assets thresholds

Age Pension income and assets thresholds Last week we shared the news about the largest Age Pension increase for 12 years. We also mentioned the increase to the Age Pension income and assets thresholds, but these changes were somewhat overshadowed by the extra $38.90...
Health Care Card

Health Care Card

Health care card A health care card can provide enormous benefits.  But it can be very confusing to know which card you can get and what the benefits will be. We’ve decided to bring together all the different types of health care cards, the rules of entitlement and...
Retirement Income Risks

Retirement Income Risks

Your retirement income should be pretty steady right?  You know what you are getting and probably adjust your spending accordingly. That’s the way many people think and for the most part that’s okay.  But sometimes we aren’t aware of some of the risks, and mistakes,...