Age Pension Increases

Age Pension Increases

Biggest increase in nine years The March 20 Age Pension increases have been announced, with the highest increase for nine years soon to hit retirees’ pay packets. Current inflationary tendencies have had a marked impact on the rate of the Age Pension with...
Financial Hardship

Financial Hardship

There are two different ways to understand the concept of ‘financial hardship’: The official definition which is used by government agencies to assess whether you are eligible for extra or emergency support or special eligibility consideration. The unofficial, more...
Should the income threshold be raised?

Should the income threshold be raised?

There’s a lot happening with the Age Pension at the moment. In less than two weeks the scheduled March 20 increases to the base rate will be announced and implemented. And on March 29 the Federal Government will hand down its FY 2022-2023 Budget. With an election...