Centrelink Age Pension Articles

What did the budget have for Seniors?

What did the budget have for Seniors?

In his Federal budget speech delivered last night, the Treasurer Josh Frydenburg outlined numerous measures aimed at rebuilding a Covid-devasted economy by creating and supporting jobs and encouraging spending.  So what were some of the highlights? Job Maker...

Will Seniors get a boost in the budget

Will Seniors get a boost in the budget

Further support for Pensioners is likely   Pensioners missed out on their usual Age Pension increase in September but in good news, the Minister for Social Services, Anne Ruston, has confirmed that there will be further support for Age Pensioners in the...

Will the family home be included in the assets test?

Will the family home be included in the assets test?

The Retirement Income Review: Will there be changes to the treatment of the family home? The Federal Government is currently assessing the report of the Retirement Income Review and their response could have big implications for Age Pensioners.  The...

How does the income test work exactly?

How does the income test work exactly?

What is assessed as income? Working out your income for the Centrelink income tests isn’t as simple as looking at your payslip or a bank statement.  Your total earnings from various sources, including what is known as “deemed” income, needs to be...

What Assets impact the Age Pension

What Assets impact the Age Pension

When applying for the Age Pension an applicant must meet certain eligibility criteria; Residency Test Income Test Limits Assets Test Limits Whether the applicant is single or a couple is also taken into account.  Couples have higher limits for the...

Single or Couple – Is the system fair?

Single or Couple – Is the system fair?

Perhaps the most frequent comment we receive concerns the different Age Pension entitlements received by singles and couples.  Opinions are strongly divided on this issue however one sentiment is shared - The system isn’t fair.  This week we have...

New Age Pension Rates July 2020

New Age Pension Rates July 2020

New Age Pension Rates commenced today The new Age Pension rates for the Means Test commenced July 1st.  This means Seniors can earn slightly more, or have slightly higher assets, before they start losing some of their Age Pension entitlements. Some of...

Can the Work Bonus benefit you?

Can the Work Bonus benefit you?

Many Seniors have seen their retirement savings take a hit over the last few months and interest rates are extremely low for those with money in bank deposits.  While Seniors are quite rightly focused on their health and safety right now some are also...

May 1st Deeming Rate Changes

May 1st Deeming Rate Changes

How does this impact your entitlements? The new Centrelink deeming rates are changing effective from the 1st of May. These changes will put money back into the pockets of senior Australians receiving the Age Pension, and may increase the number of...