Retirement Income Articles

Five ways to secure your retirement

Five ways to secure your retirement

Make sure your money lasts The most outstanding feature of Australia’s retirement income system has to be its complexity. During their working lives most people have managed just one source of income – their salary. If they have investments, this money...

Workers needed?

Workers needed?

So why are older Australians penalised for earning more? Current economic data confirms that Australia now has too few workers for jobs that urgently need to be done. With unemployment hovering around 4% and predicted to tighten further there are now jobs...

Income for life

Income for life

Is a secure income stream achievable? While there are many headlines promising to help you to ‘retire rich’, most Retirement Essentials members have different expectations. The majority tell us that ‘rich’ isn’t a believable goal. They simply wish to...

Cost of living in retirement

Cost of living in retirement

Are prices higher for retires? It’s logical to follow the quarterly and annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) changes to try to keep track of the price of household goods and services. If you did this you would believe that most Australians are subject to about...

Do you have a mortgage?

Do you have a mortgage?

With record low interest rates many retirees may have felt very comfortable carrying a mortgage into retirement. The monthly repayments are as low as they’ve been for decades and it means that keeping a higher amount in super or cash deposits ensures ready...

Retirement Income Changes

Retirement Income Changes

On February 10 the much-delayed Enhancing Superannuation Outcomes Bill was passed by the Federal Parliament and will come into effect on the 1st July 2022. There are two important features of this legislation that you need to know. Firstly, all your wage or...

Are men are from Mars and women from Venus?

Are men are from Mars and women from Venus?

When it comes to money! Valentines Day has now widened from a celebration of ‘coupledom’ to a chance to acknowledge all kinds of love – for family, friends, even pets. This means it’s now a day for everyone, not just those ‘in a relationship’. It did get us...

Cash is king … Or is it?

Cash is king … Or is it?

Emergency money. Enough cash in times of trouble. However you describe such money, there’s a lot to consider about the way you manage this aspect of your finances. Low interest rates are dominating the headlines right now. This can lead to a questioning of...