There is a very common mistake that adviser, Sharon Sheehan, has noticed. So many members are confused by the term ‘superannuation account’. Recent research from AMP confirms that 70 % of older Australians don’t know what an Account-Based Pension is. Given that this is the way that most Australians will withdraw funds from their super account, this is surprising. But Sharon believes that much of the confusion comes when super funds give different names to their Account-Based Pensions, for instance Retirement Income Account (ART) or Choice Income (AustralianSuper). It’s not exactly easy to recognise that this is your own super, in draw-down mode. And if it’s not that easy to distinguish this as an income stream, this might lead to misreporting when you decide to apply for any government entitlements.
Another aspect of retirement income that Sharon thinks is not well understood, is how Centrelink views the super savings of both members of a couple. Just because you haven’t reached 67 doesn’t mean that the rules don’t apply. In fact, the Centrelink assessment of super for those below Age Pension age is well worth understanding when considering your retirement income needs

Is your super exempt?
Superannuation whether in an accumulation account or in an income stream is an assessable asset for someone applying for an Age Pension. However your partner’s superannuation may not be an assessable asset. This happens when the partner is under Age Pension age and their super is still held in an accumulation account. In this circumstance their super is not accessible. If however they had started an income stream it would be assessed by Centrelink
Recently Janice and Simon met with Sharon to understand how they could go about applying for the Age Pension.
Would they be eligible for anything?
How would Centrelink assess their bank accounts and superannuation?
Janice turns 67 next month and has resigned from her role as a part-time teaching assistant. Simon has just turned 64 and wants to stop work when Janice does. They need to understand how to go about creating an income stream from their superannuation and whether this would mean they might miss out on an Age Pension.
This can be tricky to understand, but Sharon was able to explain that superannuation is an individual form of savings. But Centrelink assesses couples by looking at both party’s super savings combined.
Sharon explained the various eligibility rules, one in particular that Centrelink assesses superannuation from age 67 regardless of whether the money stays in accumulation or is used to create an income stream. But it is important to understand that if you are under age 67 and have superannuation in accumulation, it is not counted under Centrelink’s eligibility rules until it is used to commence an income stream. At that point, the balance of the income stream is both counted under the assets test and deemed for the income test.
Sharon asked Janice and Simon about their retirement income goals. She next used the Retirement Essentials Safe Spending Simulator to compare two different strategies:
- two income stream products plus the amount of Age Pension (for Janice)
- one income stream product and the amount of Age Pension (for Janice)
If both members of the couple had moved their money from accumulation, the resulting two income streams meant Janice would receive around $1500 per annum less in Age Pension income over the next three years. The Safe Spending projection showed that the $55,000 per annum they want to spend could be met without converting Simon’s super to an income stream and leaving it in accumulation over the next three years until he, too, is eligible for an Age Pension.
The decision Janice and Simon now need to think through is whether they should use Simon’s super now, converting it to an Account-Based Pension or leave it sitting in accumulation until he is 67. As we mentioned earlier they will receive an extra $1500 a year in Age Pension payments if it is left in accumulation.
There are, of course, other considerations that will feed into their decision-making. Tax implications on the savings in accumulation rather than the drawdown phase is one. Sharon was also able to share projections on these amounts so that Janice and Simon have all the information they require to make a good decision.
Let’s give the last word to Sharon who says that one of the most satisfying things in her role is when clients like Janice and Simon say that she’s given them the confidence to move ahead with their next life stage.
Everyone’s situation is unique. Talking through your own specific needs with our financial advisers can help to give you the confidence and comfort that you have options that will enable you to achieve the retirement lifestyle you want. Two specific advice consultations cover the rules that Janice and Simon needed to know.
These are:
- Understanding more about super (Assess the options to help make your super work better for you) and
- Maximising your entitlements (Assess any changes you might be able to make to maximise your Centrelink entitlements)
Did you know about this rule?
Were you aware that super is individual – but also treated as combined – depending on who is viewing it?
Do you believe it is fair for a partner’s super to be assessed as well as your own if your partner is still working?
This article is provided by Retirement Essentials Representative Number: 001260855. We are an authorised representative of SuperEd Pty Ltd ABN 88 118 480 907 AFSL #468859. This information is not intended as financial product advice, legal advice or taxation advice. It does not take into account your personal situation, goals or needs and you should assess your own financial situation, consider if the information is suitable for you and ensure you read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) if you choose to make any changes to your financial situation. It is always advisable to consult a financial adviser before making financial decisions.
My wife and I are in a very similar situation to the example of Janice and Simon, same ages, my wife will be applying for age pension soon. The difference is we both are no longer working and have our super in income stream. How would Centrelink view me closing my super income account and transferring the funds back to accumulation, before my wife applies for age pension? Would my super be assessable being as I have previously had super in an income account?
Hi Chris, thanks for reaching out! Fortunately Centrelink assess your situation as it is on the day you lodge your claim moving forward so you can revert your super back to accumulation phase and they will not penalise for the previous time it was set up as a pension.
Hi I have $500,000 in my super account when I reach 67 retirement age will I still be able to get a full pension. I don’t own a home and this is all my assets. Regards Rodney
Hi Rodney, it appears you have previously used our calculator and activated your account so I recommend you LOGIN to check your eligibility.
Hello i just retired i am only 66 don’t turn 67 till july next year. I have taken my super out to live on. I only have $140,000 am I able to receive an age pension. Thank uou
Hi Pamela, if your super is your main asset then it is likely you will be eligible for at least some Age Pension potentially the full amount.
Our position is different. I will be applying for pension soon. However I have $150K in a super pension account. My wife is 64 and has no super. Can I withdraw the $150K from my a/c based pension and open a super account in my wife’s name?
Hi Rao, yes you can do that however it may not be in your best financial interest to do so as you may still be eligible for the full Age Pension even with the super in your name. Please book a consultation with one of our specialists HERE.
Hello, I am a single man who will be turning 65 in June this year. I am working full time at the moment but really struggling to cope with the physical demands of the job. My employer will not consider allowing me to do reduced hours and part time jobs in my line of work dont exist.
I have 300k in my super and wanting to know what my options are regarding my super and aged pension if i fully retire