Home Equity Loans

Home Equity Loans

Need a retirement top-up? In today’s Jargonbuster we look at the different types of home equity access. This is a complex topic as there are many different types of home equity available for retirees – and each type varies in features, upsides, downsides and the...
New super drawdown rates

New super drawdown rates

The detail you need to know Last week’s Federal Budget included a significant change to the rules regarding decumulation. In particular, how much money you are allowed to draw down from your super account post July 1, 2022. These changes have raised a lot of questions...
Cost of living in retirement

Cost of living in retirement

Are prices higher for retires? It’s logical to follow the quarterly and annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) changes to try to keep track of the price of household goods and services. If you did this you would believe that most Australians are subject to about the same...
March 2022 Asset threshold increases

March 2022 Asset threshold increases

As you are no doubt aware, qualification for the Age Pension is dependent upon meeting both the income and assets tests, and whichever test delivers the worse outcome – the lowest amount of pension – is the one upon which your Age Pension entitlement will...
March 2022 Income Thresholds

March 2022 Income Thresholds

Also known as pension disqualifying income limits, this is the amount of money that you are allowed  to earn before your Age Pension entitlement is removed completely The new income disqualifying limits have been increased by $40.20 per fortnight for singles and...