What is decumulation and why should you care?

What is decumulation and why should you care?

Decumulation would have to be the most boring name for what should be the most exciting stage of your retirement income journey – that time when you get your money out! But it has become a turn off term because the rules seem so complex that many people go into denial...
The changing face of shareholders

The changing face of shareholders

Are you a shareholder? If so, you’re part of a growing club according to key findings from the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). In 1986 just 9% of Australians owned shares. Now it’s 35%, with a median portfolio size of $130,000. And these statistics refer to holdings...
Making decisions in retirement

Making decisions in retirement

The Retirement Essentials team had a lively discussion this week about the most important elements of successful retirement income planning. And we all seemed to agree on something that is rarely discussed, but very powerful when it comes to making the most successful...
Retirement Concerns

Retirement Concerns

Thank you to all our readers who helped us with our recent retirement survey. Your feedback has helped us get a better understanding of the issues and concerns many people face when planning for retirement. It is not always a choice Most people don’t think they will...
Age Discrimination

Age Discrimination

Recently we surveyed some of our readers to better understand the reasons why people retire. Many reasons were expected such as when they could afford to retire, health concerns,or job loss.  What we didn’t expect was the number of people that mentioned ageism, or age...
Why do people retire?

Why do people retire?

There are about 3.9m retirees in Australia today so it’s not surprising that their reasons for retiring are many and varied.  Some retire through choice and others find they have retirement forced upon them. We hear lots of reasons when we are helping our customers...
Age Pension Rates and Thresholds

Age Pension Rates and Thresholds

The new age pension rates came into effect on Monday 20th September.  Nearly 4 million Australians get some support from the age pension so the increase to their fortnightly pension payments will be very welcome.  The new rates are shown below.   Centrelink...
Age Pension Rates and Thresholds

Big increase to pension rates

Age Pensioners will enjoy the biggest increase to pension rates in 7 years. Nearly 2.6 million Australians are on the age pension so this 1.4% to rates increase will be very welcome.  Last September there was no increase at all for the first time in 24 years so this...