election policies

As we head into the final week of the Federal Election campaign, many voters by now will be totally ‘over’ the promises, the rhetoric and the shouty debates.

Yet many older Australians are also keenly interested in understanding the policy detail that affects them the most – without the spin.

This week we have created a handy summary for our Retirement Essentials members – just the facts, without commentary or embellishment.

Our list encompasses the five key policy areas that are most likely to concern those in retirement and their families. These are:

  • Retirement income and entitlements
  • Housing
  • Health
  • Aged care
  • Work


Policy Australian Greens Australian Labor Party Liberal – National Coalition
Main policy detail https://greens.org.au/ https://www.alp.org.au/policies https://www.liberal.org.au/our-plan
Retirement income and entitlements Lower Age Pension age, increased base rate, removal of Cashless Debit Card


Matching the LNP freezing of deeming rates for two years, increased access to Commonwealth Seniors’ Health Card (CHSC) and an enquiry into Robodebt collection by Centrelink


Freezing deeming rates, increased access to Commonwealth Seniors’ Health Card (CSHC)


Housing Shared equity ownership scheme, expanded public housing building program


‘Help to Buy’ homeownership plan, increased social housing creation


Home super saving scheme and home guarantee scheme


Health Medicare funded dental and mental health care, private health insurance funds redirected to public hospitals


Urgent care Medicare clinics, lower cost PBS medicines, more medical staff training


Telehealth, public hospital funding, PBS medicines support


Aged Care Increased staffing and staff to resident rations, eventual phasing out of for-profit providers


Registered nurses 24/7, pay rises for Age Care workers, better nutrition


Increased Age Care sector funding in response to Royal commission, more at home care packages, 24/7 nurses


Work Establish minimum living wage, wage increases to redress gender pay gap


Fee-free TAFE places, same job same pay scheme


1.3 million new jobs, regional accelerator, jobs training


We have confined our summary to the three major parties – The Liberal-National Party coalition, the Labor Party and the Greens. Our summary is very brief, but where possible, there is a link to each specific promise so that you can read the detail on the areas that matter most to you.

Many readers will also wish to further research policies of minor parties and independents so we have listed some helpful links here as well.

Climate 200 candidates (also known as Teal Independents)

National Party (included as LNP policy above, but here’s the separate website)

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation

United Australia Party

There are clearly many areas of concern when casting a vote. According to the ABC’s Vote Compass data, this election the top three policy issues are climate change, cost of living and economic management, and government accountability. For these specific issues, we suggest you visit your preferred party or candidate’s website and follow the links to better understand who is offering what and why.

All the best on voting day – and yes, it’s worth remembering Robert Kennedy Jnr’s comment that democracy is a messy form of government – but it sure beats the alternative.

NB The above policy summary and links were correct at the time of writing but policies and party statements may change during the final week of the election – make sure to check the individual websites to ensure you are totally up-to-date.

And if you are completely bored by all this election talk why not check your entitlements?


Check Your Entitlements