Retirement Spending Articles

Should you spend your money before you go?

Should you spend your money before you go?

Pacing yourself across the years Last week we helped you to gain as accurate a forecast as possible of your likely life span. This may seem morbid, but it’s actually the best starting point for planning and managing retirement income. But working out how...

How will higher interest rates affect your retirement?

How will higher interest rates affect your retirement?

There’s a lot of discussion about interest rates – both here and overseas - at the moment. For some retirees higher rates are good news, while for others they can be extremely stressful. The key question is not what is happening in the short term, but how...

Overcoming the very real fear … of running out

Overcoming the very real fear … of running out

What’s your uppermost retirement fear? We’re often surprised by many of the responses to our Retirement Pulse surveys. In particular, in the February survey, with respondents who have yet to retire who have such strong concerns about their money lasting as...

Living longer is great news

Living longer is great news

Or is it? Despite the impacts of Covid, life expectancy for Australian men and women continues to increase. But many retirees can feel conflicted when they hear about increased longevity. This is prompted by the worry that their money will run out. Whilst...

Price hike on fuel about to occur

Price hike on fuel about to occur

Price hike on fuel about to occur Most car owners are bracing themselves for a price hike in fuel on September 29. After this time, it is expected that the average price for unleaded fuel will begin to rise above the $2.00 mark for the first time since July....

Lump sum decision-making: 

Lump sum decision-making: 

What could possibly go wrong? Lump sums can come and go in diverse ways. When it comes to retirement, it used to be much simpler to work out how to handle them. Over time, the many ways of contributing to, or withdrawing from, your superannuation have...

How much will be left when I die?

How much will be left when I die?

How much will be left when I die? It helps to know One of the most common fears for retirees is that they don’t have enough savings and they will run out of money.  This is understandable as most of us would like to have something in addition to the Age...

Retiree costs continue to increase

Retiree costs continue to increase

Last week the Association of Super Funds of Australia (ASFA) released its March quarter Retirement Standard which measures household costs for those in retirement. The news isn’t good, with annual percentage increases the largest since 2010. The ASFA...

Will you outlive your money?

Will you outlive your money?

How long do your savings need to last?? The younger you are the easier it can be to cope with financial setbacks. That’s because there is usually a ‘tomorrow’ in sight when you can work harder, earn more, put things back in place. Things change when you...