Superannuation Articles

Limits on super will increase: What this means for you

Limits on super will increase: What this means for you

On 1 July the limits on super contributions will increase. This increase will apply to both concessional and non-concessional super contributions, so there’s something in this for everyone. It’s the first such rise in contribution limits for three years, so...

Hitting the super sweet spot: Don’t just ‘get by’

Hitting the super sweet spot: Don’t just ‘get by’

There has been a veritable deluge of research, insights and survey findings about retirement funding in recent times. With nearly 700 Australians retiring on a daily basis, this is unsurprising. Retirement does indeed seem to be ‘the new black’. But the more...

From saving to spending: Don’t get caught out

From saving to spending: Don’t get caught out

Some government reports can be as dry as dust, particularly those covering the finer points of superannuation legislation. The good news is that members of our team at Retirement Essentials read all the reports and legislation changes so you don’t have to!...

How superannuation works: Step-by-step guide

How superannuation works: Step-by-step guide

The summer break presents a great time to slow down, think and catch up on many things we’re too busy with during the year. One of them is our finances. We know from our members that many find superannuation too confusing for words. So today we’re taking the...

Surprising super rule affects inheritance

Surprising super rule affects inheritance

Here are some surprising things that you may not know about your super.  Most surprising to many is that your Will doesn’t automatically determine who gets your super.  The trustee of the fund often makes this decision. A recent newspaper report...

Rate your super: What good funds offer

Rate your super: What good funds offer

Articles and information on superannuation usually fall into one of two types – what you need to know when you are saving it, and what you need to know when you are spending it. Much of the coverage of superannuation funds can be similarly narrow. Comparing...

Could your retirement savings survive another GFC?

Could your retirement savings survive another GFC?

The most commonly asked questions in retirement income are ‘Will  my money last as long as I do?’ And ‘Am I in danger of running out?’ The problem is, there is no really useful way to respond. The correct answers to these two questions are ‘probably,...