Centrelink Age Pension Articles

Angry pensioners speak out

Angry pensioners speak out

Are retirees doing it tougher? As you are well aware, Election 2022 is underway. Claims, counter claims, promises and allegations are flying thick and fast. And during the past two weeks we have seen two older men (Ray from Newcastle and Fred from the Hunter...

Age Pension increase and earlier access

Age Pension increase and earlier access

Will this happen? In an announcement that would help 500,000 older Australians retire earlier, the Greens want to move the Age Pension eligibility age back down to 65. And increase the benefits by 25%. The announcement was made by Greens Welfare spokesperson...

Budget 2022 – What is in it for older Australians

Budget 2022 – What is in it for older Australians

Budget March 2022 for older Australians Click here for information about the October 2022 budget delivered by Jim Chalmers After weeks of leaks and speculation, the Treasurer presented the Federal Budget 2022-23 in parliament last night. There are wins and...

Pension Increases – Too little, too late or never enough

Pension Increases – Too little, too late or never enough

The 20 March Age Pension increases have unleashed a huge number of comments from Retirement Essentials members. You have let us know, in no uncertain terms, how difficult it is to survive on the current rate of the pension, or when you are squeezed out of...

Age Pension update – biggest increase for nine years

Age Pension update – biggest increase for nine years

Last Sunday, March 20, the highest Age Pension increase for nine years was enacted. The majority of the 3.9 million older Australians in retirement live on a full or part Age Pension. So this is a significant, across the board,  income boost. But it is more...

March 2022 Asset threshold increases

March 2022 Asset threshold increases

As you are no doubt aware, qualification for the Age Pension is dependent upon meeting both the income and assets tests, and whichever test delivers the worse outcome - the lowest amount of pension - is the one upon which your Age Pension entitlement will be...

March 2022 Income Thresholds

March 2022 Income Thresholds

Also known as pension disqualifying income limits, this is the amount of money that you are allowed  to earn before your Age Pension entitlement is removed completely The new income disqualifying limits have been increased by $40.20 per fortnight for singles...

Age Pension Increases

Age Pension Increases

Biggest increase in nine years The March 20 Age Pension increases have been announced, with the highest increase for nine years soon to hit retirees' pay packets. Current inflationary tendencies have had a marked impact on the rate of the Age Pension with...

Should the income threshold be raised?

Should the income threshold be raised?

There’s a lot happening with the Age Pension at the moment. In less than two weeks the scheduled March 20 increases to the base rate will be announced and implemented. And on March 29 the Federal Government will hand down its FY 2022-2023 Budget. With an...