Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Articles

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card – what Centrelink says

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card – what Centrelink says

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card: We recently reminded you not to miss out on the benefits of a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card. We projected that almost one million retirees would now be eligible. In our overview of the benefits of the card and how to make...

Are you missing out on this easy extra money?

Are you missing out on this easy extra money?

Easy extra money: Are you still missing out? James ran a ‘back of the envelope’ exercise the other day and surprised most members of our team with his conclusion that nearly 800,000 self-funded retirees are going without. This also left us wondering why are...

New savings on medicines

New savings on medicines

 30% cut on PBS As announced in the October 2022 Federal Budget, from January 1 this year, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medications now cost $30 per prescription, down from $42.50. This is the first time in its 75-year history that the maximum...

Saving money in 2023

Saving money in 2023

Easy concession applications Here’s a quick and easy way to lift your income in 2023 if you are a self-funded retiree. On November 4, the thresholds for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card increased substantially. The Federal Government’s predictions...

Five things you need to know …  about the CHSC

Five things you need to know … about the CHSC

You are probably now eligible On November 4, thresholds for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) changed, with some very big increases. This meant that a majority of those Australians who are NOT on an Age Pension, but are 66.5 years or older, are...

Will you now get a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card?

Will you now get a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card?

At last the extended benefits of the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card are now available to the vast majority of retirees who are not eligible for an Age Pension. We most recently reported on this when the legislation was awaiting approval in the Senate. This...

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Everything you need to know about  this ‘gold’ savings card? The Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) is often considered the gold standard of concession cards.  It was first introduced in 1994 in order to give low income...

Demand for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card to surge

Demand for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card to surge

New thresholds for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card commence on the 4th of November 2022. The increased thresholds are great news for older Australians as there is no asset test for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card meaning many more people will be...

Health Care Card

Health Care Card

Health care card A health care card can provide enormous benefits.  But it can be very confusing to know which card you can get and what the benefits will be. We’ve decided to bring together all the different types of health care cards, the rules of...